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wiredInUSA - March 2014


control system is used on all the company’s

multiple burner furnaces.

QED has recently upgraded its proven

fluidbed technology with proportional,

closed-loop feedback and mass flow

controls. The Siemens PLC-based system

provides much higher thermal efficiency

and lower fuel costs than previous systems.

Its fluidbeds operate fromDV=120 to DV=240

and from 1.5t/h to 8t/h production.

The latest development in galvanising

furnaces is the advanced recuperative

technology mark 4 immersion burner. This

burner offers dramatically higher combustion

efficiency from a double pass pre-heat

design with extended heat-transfer area.

Constructed of stainless and high nickel alloy

steels, this modularly constructed burner

offers an extended operating lifespan and

reduced maintenance.

In addition to the fuel savings, the new

burner runs with a cooler skin temperature,

providing a more pleasant working and

maintenance environment.

The company also supplies the latest

development in HighTurbulence



and galvanising technology. The multiple

stage cleaning systems have high

turbulence acid that greatly accelerates

the pickling process. Computer control,

nitrogen wiping in galvanising and Galfan

offers significant savings and accurate

coating weights.

QED Wire Lines – Canada


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Booth: 09D06-03

Rad-Con specialises in the annealing

production process, and is a manufacturer

of new bell-type annealing furnace

equipment, and a provider of systems that

help existing annealing facilities operate


The product range includes:

Convection bell-type annealing furnaces;

100 per cent hydrogen protective

atmosphere; spheroidise annealing (SA) of

hot-rolled wire rod; quality surface, clean

and decarb-free.

Anneal: Furnace for annealing of drawn

wires in batch: low and medium carbon

steel wires; copper and copper alloy wires;

aluminium cable on reels.

Rad-Con Inc – USA


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Booth: 09F06

Reelex Packaging Solutions will publicly

debut several new innovative packaging

and equipment concepts representing the

future of wire and cable packaging. Known

as the preferred packaging method for LAN

and coaxial cables for more than 40 years,

Reelex packaging is a patented method of

winding flexible products into a figure-eight

coil featuring tangle and twist-free payout.

This packaging method has become

the standard for major wire and cable