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wiredInUSA - March 2014



Canadian Hydro-Québec has placed an

order with ABB for $60m to replace major

components of the ultra-high voltage

transmission system that supplies clean

electricity from North to South Quebec.

ABB will be responsible for upgrading two

Static Var Compensators (SVC) at the

Albanel substation, located about 500km

north of Montreal.

The substation is said to provide fast-acting

reactive power compensation for the

735kV power transmission network. The

upgrades will be completed by 2016.

SVCs are said to be part of the company's

family of FACTS (flexible alternating current

transmission systems) technologies that

improve the capacity and flexibility of

power transmission systems.

According to ABB, SVCs are helpful during

fluctuations in the voltage and current of

an electric grid, allowingmore electricity to

flow through the transmission system while

maintaining network safety and stability.

FACTS solutions have been developed to

allow more electricity to reach consumers

through the existing transmission network.


to the grid


Dudgeon Offshore Wind Ltd, a joint venture

backed by Norwegian companies Statoil

and Statkraft, has signed a $55m contract

with ABB for a new AC power cable system

to connect the wind farm, 32km off the

Norfolk coast, with the national grid.

The 400MW Dudgeon offshore wind farm is

one of the largest to be built in British waters.

Subsea cables will connect the wind farm

to the land, and an underground cable will

connect to a purpose-built substation at

Necton, where the power will be fed into

the national grid. Two 132kV three-core AC

submarine cables, of 42kmeach, will be laid

along the seabed.

ABB’s announcement was made the same

day as the offshore wind industry services

provider CWind revealed it had won a

contract to support CT Offshore in the

installation of 63 of the 161 inter-array cables

at the 576MW Gwynt y Môr wind farm off

the North Wales coast. Colin Urquhart,

operations director at CWind, explained

that the contract follows other similar work:

"Over the last few years we have provided

cable pulling and repair support at several

UK offshore wind farms, including Barrow,

Greater Gabbard, Lincs, Ormonde, Thanet,

Walney 1 and West of Duddon Sands."

New UK cables
