wiredinUSA March 2013
The exhibition – at the Georgia World Congress Center – sees the largest wire and cable show in America touchdown from 23 rd -25 th April. And touchdown is a familiar word at this year’s exhibition, as Pittsburgh Steeler Hines Ward will deliver the keynote speech to delegates at the Tuesday luncheon. The National Football League great and Superbowl winner is the only player in NFL Pro Bowl history to score a touchdown on an onside kick. Other sporting activity in addition to the exhibitions is a golf tournament and charity 5k road race. The opening reception takes place in the Omni Hotel Atrium from 6.30pm to 8.30pm on Tuesday. The exhibition runs from 10am to 5pm on Tuesday and Wednesday, and 10am to 3pm on Thursday. On the ball for Atlanta
Anticipation is already bui lding ahead of this year’s Interwire in Atlanta, Georgia, next month.
Interwire 20 13
23 rd - 25 th April Georgia World Congress Center Atlanta, USA
wiredInUSA - March 2013 I
wiredInUSA - March 2013
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