wiredinUSA March 2013
Expocenter fairground - Moscow
WWF calls for 45 percent renewables
Picture : www.bigstockphoto.com ‘Spring’ Photographer - ‘ Rafal Steciuk’
“Our report clearly shows that the EU has untapped potential for cutting energy use, taking full advantage of renewable sources that could deliver cheaper and more secure energy, and ensuring that a 100 percent renewable European energy system by 2050 remains within reach.” This level is similar to conclusions reached by the US department of energy’s national renewable energy laboratories in a May 2010 report. “Western wind and solar integration study” found that a five-state grid in the western US could accommodate 30 percent wind and 5 percent solar without significant new energy storage or transmission.
The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) has released a report, concluding that the EU can and must meet 35 percent of its heating needs and 65 percent of its electricity needs with renewable energy by 2030 in order to reach a society powered 100 percent by renewable energy in 2050. “Re-energising Europe: Putting the EU on track for 100% renewable energy” caps the contribution of wind and solar at 45 percent of electricity supply at that date. The report also states that ongoing effort and strong political will are needed to reach these goals. “We must now decide how our energy system will develop after 2020, so that current benefits are maximized, not squandered,” added Jason Anderson, head of climate percent energy at WWF’s European policy office.
wiredInUSA - March 2013 I
wiredInUSA - March 2013
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