wiredinUSA June 2013


New GM at EFG

Elgin Fastener Group (EFG) has appointed Carl Ondraka as general manager of Cleveland operations, with responsibility for EFG’s

experience in a variety of industrial engineering and manufacturing positions. EFG CEO Jeff Liter said: “Carl Ondraka is uniquely qualified to lead our manufacturing efforts in northeast Ohio. His skill set includes all of the components required to produce consistent success and customer satisfaction at these three plants, and we are pleased to have him join our organization.” Elgin Fastener Group is comprised of nine domesticspecialtyfastenermanufacturers and a metal finishing facility.

manufacturing operations at Chandler Products, Quality Bolt & Screw, and Telefast Industries. A graduate of Western Michigan University, Carl earned his MBA from Indiana University/South Bend. He is a member of the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) and the Precision Machine Products Association (PMPA), withprevious senior management

wiredInUSA - June 2013


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