wiredInUSA - July 2015
Welcome to the July issue of wiredInUSA – special to
us as it is the fourth anniversary issue since we started
bringing you the latest news from across the Americas
in our monthly digital ezine. We would like to take this
opportunity to thank all our readers and advertisers for
their continued support.
Allied Fiber steal the headlines with the launch of Palm
Coast's FiberNET network which is expected to drive
job growth and help cable and Internet providers in
the community to offer improved services. The full story
can be found on page 12.
Turning to page 14 will highlight how American Kuhne's
single minute exchange of die (SMED) can reduce
downtime in tubing, profile, wire and cable and other
small-die production lines. The company used the
recent NPE 2015 exhibition to show this off.
Finally, governor David Ige has approved Hawaii's
HB623 bill, which forces utilities to source 11 percent of
electricity from renewables by 2045. Turn to page 15
David Bell
INDEXwiredInUSA - July 2015