wiredinUSA January 2015


DEADLINES • Abstract deadline: 13 th February 2015 • Acceptance notification: 31 st March 2015 • Manuscript deadline: 30 th September 2015

ABSTRACT SUBMISSION & PAPERS In order for the conference organisers to assess the scope and content of a proposed technical article please submit a 75 word abstract. Accepted speakers will receive an Author’s Guide with details about manuscript and presentation preparation. Only original papers not previously published will be eligible for paper awards presented by the IWMA or possible publication in the association’s newletters and magazines.

Accepted authors receive: • Complimentary meeting registration • A copy of the conference proceedings materials • Access to the conference sessions, tabletop exhibits and reception

Check your category:

Ferrous Non-ferrous Electrical Fibre Optic General

Author(s) ______________________________________________________________________________________

Title of paper ___________________________________________________________________________________

Company ______________________________________________________________________________________

Address _______________________________________________________________________________________


Tel _________________ Email ______________________ Web __________________________________________

Abstract (75 word maximum) ____________________________________________________________________





Please send me further information when available on:

Please forward your submission to info@iwma.org

Attending the conference as a delegate

Booking a tabletop exhibit

Conference sponsorship

wiredInUSA - January 2015


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