wiredinUSA January 2015
CONV E N T I ON : A P R I L 2 7 - 3 0 , 2 0 1 5
E X P O S I T I ON : A P R I L 2 8 - 3 0 , 2 0 1 5
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Industry leaders are following www.Interwire15.com for details on the largest wire and cable meeting place and marketplace in theAmericas. Decidedly the most valuable use of your time...until 2017. Wire & Cable Making Machinery | Live Demonstrations | Supplies & Equipment | New Trends & Products | Global Networking | Educational Focus: Dust Control, Raw Materials, Processing, Applications, Recruiting & Retention, Manufacturing Workshop | Plant Tour: Southwire SCR | Also with WAI’s 2nd Global Continuous Casting Forum C orporate S ponSorS : PLATINUM | S onoco R eelS and S poolS • W iRe & p laStic M achineRy c oRp . GOLD | c ontinuuS -p RopeRzi S. p .a. SILVER | BaSF • c aRRiS R eelS i nc . • G eM G RavuRe c o . i nc . • n exanS • n iehoFF e ndex n oRth a MeRica • S ikoRa i nteRnational c oRp . BRONZE | R ichaRdS a pex i nc . S upporting S ponSorS : B auM ’ S c aStoRine c o . • c heMSon • c oMMiSSion B RokeRS i nc . • h eRitaGe W iRe d ie • l loyd & B ouvieR i nc .
The Wire Association International, Inc. | Telephone: (001) 203-453-2777 | www.wirenet.org
wiredInUSA - January 2015
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