wiredinUSA January 2012

BC hydro power

The firm will be responsible for the design, materials procurement and overall construction of the 250km transmission line. The estimated project cost of the Interior to Lower Mainland Project is $709m with a planned in-service date of January 2015. The ILM Project will include construction of a new 500kV transmission line between the Nicola substation near Merritt and the Meridian Substation in Coquitlam; a new series capacitor station at Ruby Creek; and associated improvements at the Nicola and Meridian Substations. BC Hydro’s current transmission system needs to be upgraded to meet future demands for power, particularly during the winter months. Upon completion, the ILM Project will serve the population of the Lower Mainland and Vancouver Island.

A joint venture company, Flatiron-Graham, has been awarded a contract by BC Hydro

to design and build the transmission line

component of the Interior to Lower Mainland (ILM) Project in British Columbia, Canada.


wiredInUSA - January 2012

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