wiredinUSA February 2020
Brazil investment
Geoterra, and infrastructure group, has obtained approval from environmental authorities for a 102MW wind power complex in the northeastern state of RioGrande do Norte. The approval comes just months after Geoterra signed a partnership deal with China’s Harbin Electric that will see up to $35.6 billion of investment in energy projects over the next eight years. Brazilian industrial
equipment, is among China’s largest state-owned industrial groups.
The Pedro Avelino complex will consist of four wind farms and will cost around $900 million. It will be the fourth wind development in the group’s project pipeline, bringing the total to over 500MW. Rio Grande do Norte is Brazil’s leading wind power district, accounting for 4GW of the country’s 15GW operating wind power capacity.
Harbin Electric, a producer of power
wiredInUSA - February 2020
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