wiredinUSA February 2013
The San Francisco 49ers are, without doubt, one of THE names on the American football scene. They have a pretty impressive set of numbers in terms of Super Bowl victories β including five between 1981 and 1994. And they have a date in Super Bowl XLVII this month against the Baltimore Ravens on the 3 rd . Whilst notable that the coaches of both sides are brothers β the first time brothers have coached against each other in NFL history β the 49ersβ home at Candlestick Park can also boast a similarly astounding set of figures. Electrical work is currently being undertaken at the Santa Clara, California, stadium which will see 16,000 lighting fixtures, 11,900 electrical outlets, 5,500 fire alarms, 500 miles of low watt fiber optic cable, 900 wireless access points and a spectacular 320 miles of cable and wire laid during the work. That's enough wire to link California to Nebraska. And staying on the numbers theme, the back-up generator to the stadium is large enough to power 4,000 homes. The full story is on page 9 of this issue of wiredInUSA. David Bell Editor
wiredInUSA - February 2013
wiredInUSA - February 2013
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