wiredinUSA August 2018
A Durit customer was concerned for microscopically small damages emerging at tungsten carbide drawing plugs during the production process. Analyses of the affected plugs showed that the small defects were caused by micro- adhesions of the shaped material at the binder, which subsequently pulled tungsten carbide particles out of the structure. Later, material filled the small defects. High pressure in the shaping process caused some small cracks to become bigger bursts and, so, develop into defects. After detailed surveys and tests, Durit found a way to reduce the tendency to burst by using hard grades of submicron grain with a low share of binder. Heinz-Achim Kordt, head of design at Durit, explained: “The advantage of these special tungsten carbide compounds is that the very small grain size makes the surface structure much finer and thus the binder is scattered more evenly. “Another positive effect: the adhesive tendency of the shaped material is minimized. Due to the good results we achieve with selected tungsten carbide grades in this complex field of application, the durability of the relevant tool can be considerably increased.”
residential and business subscribers, while enabling new services.
Phil McKinney, president and chief executive officer of CableLabs, commented: “This breakthrough not only increases the capacity of the existing fiber system by an order of magnitude, it opens upwavelength resources to improve network quality and reliability, enabling advancements in cellular and wireless services.” optics specification effort was introduced by CableLabs in 2017, as was the Full Duplex DOCSIS specification. The point-to-point coherent Eliminating bursts in the drawing process Durit Hartmetall GmbH has developed a method to ensure that base material and wire material are suitably matched when drawing non-ferrous metals.
A differentiated adjustment of the various grades of submicron grain to the individual
S S Durit Hartmetall has developed a method to ensure that base material and wire material are suitably matched
wiredInUSA - August 2018
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