wiredinUSA August 2018
HVDC certification
Pakistan-China link
LS Cable & System reports that it has received certification for its HVDC cable. The cable can now be exported without further tests. A press release confirmed that LS Cable & System completed a six-month reliability test of its 500kV DC cable, monitored by the Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute that ultimately certified the HVDC cable technology. Only five companies, including LS Cable & System, have their own HVDC cable technology. The company began developing the technology in 2005 and won the contract to construct an HVDC electric power transmission systemoverland between North Dangjin and Godeok. The South Korean government has recently begun to pursue a new northern policy to developaneconomicbeltwithNorthKorea. Although South and North Korea have different voltage and current frequencies, LS Cable & System said its HVDC technology can transmit and receive power between the two.
Pakistan and China have inaugurated an optic fiber cable that provides a direct link between Pakistan, the Central Asia and East Asia. It is the first project under the Early Harvest program of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). The cable connects Rawalpindi with Khunjerab on the Pakistan-China border at an altitude of 4,700m, thought to make it the highest fiber cable project in the world. Later, the cable will be extended to Gwadar to fully connect Pakistan and China. Total cost is estimated at $44 million. The project is owned by SCO (Special Communications Organization) with engineering,procurementandconstruction by Huawei. Construction work began in March 2016. Thecablecrosses 820km, with 26microwave transmission nodes between Rawalpindi and Karimabad and 171km of aerial fiber cable from Karimabad to Khunjerab as back-up. The optic fiber cable will provide a direct connection between Pakistan, the Central Asia and East Asia and minimize the risk of disruption to international traffic. It will also provide multiple international links with the new Gwadar landing station in order to reduce discontinuity issues.
wiredInUSA - August 2018
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