wiredinUSA August 2013


conference sessions, refreshments and lunch and a ticket to the gala dinner. For non-members it is €175 . You can also take advantage of the excellent sponsorship and table top exhibit opportunities by visiting www.cabwire.com The conference has been jointly organised by the IWMA, Associazione Costruttori Italiani Mecchine per Filo (ACIMAF), Comité Européen, de la Tréfilerie (CET), the International Wire & Cable Exhibitors Association (IWCEA) and the Wire Association International (WAI).

The conference itself will take place at the Palazzo Turati in Milan. For interested delegates, the organisers of CabWire have negotiated a special delegate rate of only €199 per night for a superior room including breakfast at the Rosa Grand, a stunning five star luxury hotel surrounded by Milan’s iconic sights and attractions, 
and within only a 15-minute walk of the both the Cabwire conference and gala dinner venues. The cost for the conference, for members, is just €150 which includes access to all

Cab Wire Wor ld Conference 2013 4 - 5 N o v e m b e r 2 0 1 3 Palazzo Turati Milan, I taly Innovations driving worldwide wire and cable markets

The 6 th biennial world conference at the Palazzo Turati in Milan, Italy, on the 4 th November 2013.

This year’s theme will be “ Innovations driving worldwide wire and cable markets ” and will feature a panel of both ferrous and non-ferrous expert speakers, presenting papers on the latest technological developments within the industry.

visit the website , email

For more information,

info@iwma.org or telephone: +44 (0)1926 834680.


Associazione Costruttori Italiani Mecchine per Filo

Comité Européen de la Tréfilerienc.

International Wire & Cable Exhibitors Association

International Wire & Machinery Association

The Wire Association International, Inc.

wiredInUSA - August 2013


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