wiredinUSA August 2012
production lines where yellow ink provides optimal contrast.
Makesureyournewmachine or product receives all the publicity it can get! Send us the details and a photograph for our new Machines, Products & Technology section in wiredInUSA. To make sure your editorial is published in the September edition – send us the details by 23 rd August to ensure its publication. All editorial should be sent to editor David Bell at david@wiredinusa.com
Boasting excellent adhesion, the ink can withstand contact, pressure and residual heat as freshly manufactured and coded cable or wire is spooled for storage and shipment — reducing the risk of ink code transfer and fading. In addition, while most pigments infade or even disappear completely during the curing process, the V491-C yellow ink can with stand 350˚F (117˚C) high- pressure steam heat and retain its color and critical code information.
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