wiredinUSA April 2014

Time at Indy. The fast track to advance your wire plant operation.

Sa f et y and Cont i nuous Improvement Segment s | | Ne twor k i ng | | Jo i nt AI ST Techn i ca l Ses s i on Exh i b i t s | | Mach i ne r y Roundt ab l e | | Equ i pment Forum | | Mob i l e C l as s room to Gene r a l Cab l e WAI’s next wire & cable adventure will take just two days in Circle City.

WAI’s Operations Summit & Wire Expo 2014 will help you focus on intense, peer-driven crosstalk about today’s plant management best practices. Safety and equipment forums round out the program.

Save time, money, and put revolutionary ideas into action immediately to drive your operation forward. Register now: www.wirenet.org .

Indiana Convention Center Indianapolis, Indiana || May 6-7, 2014

Tech fact: WAI has gone mobile! WWW.WIREEXPO14.COM

Access the mobile website for event schedules, floor plan and exhibitor information, session and speaker details, social networking, local maps for hotels and restaurants, and more.

Co-located with AISTech 2014 Free access to AISTech 2014 exhibits with WAI registration badge.


1570 Boston Post Road | P.O. Box 578 | Guilford, CT 06437-0578 USA | Telephone: (001) 203-453-2777 | Fax: (001) 203-453-8384 | www.wirenet.org The Wire Association International, Inc. Sponsors: Platinum: Wire & Plastic Machinery || Gold: Leggett & Platt Inc. | Southwire Co. Silver: Carris Reels Inc. Gem Gravure Co. Inc. Lloyd & Bouvier | Nexans | SAMP | Sikora | Steel Technologies LLC | Windak Bronze: BASF | ExxonMobil Chemical | Chemson | Radyne Corp. | RichardsApex Inc. | Sonoco Also: Baum’s Castorine Co. | Commission Brokers Inc. | Leoni Wire | Sonoco

wiredInUSA - April 2014


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