wiredinUSA April 2013

a single-wire diameter ranging from 0.05 to 0.3mm (40-28 AWG) as well as artificial yarn and fibers. With an integrated central tapingdevice, thebraidingand subsequent taping processes are completed in one step. The D 1001 type single-bow double twist bunching machine is designed for the manufacture of strands of up to 50mm² (1/0) cross section for copper and up to 60mm² (3/0) cross section for aliminum conductors with a lay length of up to 300mm (11.8") and a maximum rotational speed of 3,200 twists/min. Due to their one-bow design, the D series machines’ energy consumption and noise emission are reduced when compared to conventional bunching machines. Niehoff’s ‘After Sales Original +’ service provides expert know-how, a remote maintenance service, modernization and upgrading measures, machine operator and maintenance training courses, and fast and reliable supply of wear and spare parts. Specially developed machine components can also be obtained. Maschinenfabrik Niehoff GmbH & Co KG – Germany Website: www.niehoff.de Niehoff Endex North America Inc – USA Website: www.niehoff-usa.com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Pan Chemicals SpA Booth 1911 Pan Chemicals is a manufacturer and supplier of high-tech drawing lubricants and coating to the wire industry. The company’s production program includes:

• Dry drawing lubricants (Panlube S series): a full range of calcium, sodium and combined products for low and high carbon steel, non-ferrous and stainless steel • Wet drawing lubricants (Panlube L series): a complete range of oils, greases and pastes for wet drawing of low and high carbon, welding wire, stainless steel and non-ferrous wire • Lubricant carriers (Pancover series): phosphates and non-reactive coatings • Flux for galvanizing (Panflux series): developed to improve the efficiency of the galvanizingprocess byamoreuniformcontrol of the reaction between the two metals, reducing operation costs and improving the quality of the zinc coating • Auxiliary products (Panchem series): degreasing agents, pickling inhibitors, protective products, activated charcoal and wiping pads Pan Chemicals has a strong emphasis on technical collaboration with its customers, and is focused on the research and development of new products and solutions for specific applications. Particular attention is dedicated to the development of ecological products according to the new international regulations (borax-free lubricants and coatings). Inadditiontochemicalandauxiliaryproducts, the engineering department can offer different solutions for mechanical descaling, coating and drying units, rotating die holders and die reconditioning equipment. Pan Chemicals offers its highest quality drawing lubricants and coatings, state-of-the-art drawing processes and solutions, long experience and specialized technical service. Pan Chemicals SpA – Italy Website: www.panchemical.com

wiredInUSA - April 2013


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