wiredinUSA April 2013

LaserLinc, Inc – USA Website: www.laserlinc.com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Lloyd & Bouvier, Inc Booth 1832

such as FFT and SRL prediction, help reduce scrap, increase production efficiency, and improve quality. The UltraGauge+™ ultrasonic wall thickness measurement system uses hardened stainless steel fixtures designed to withstand harsh wire and cable manufacturing environments, and UltraLock™ Auto Setup provides automatic configuration.

Lloyd & Bouvier now offers a 50" shaftless dual reel take-up, consisting of two 50" welded plate frames bolted together with common traverse mounted on dual linear bearings, with a continuous belt drive activated with a servo motor. A clamp and pulley system can be incorporated into the traverse system to direct and hold the wire during crossover. The take-up accepts reel diameters from 24" to 50" and reel widths from 20" to 40". Reel lifting is accomplished through pneumatically loaded cylinders to lift reels up to 5,000lb. Gate arm positioning for various reel widths is achieved through dual AC gear motors with automatic centering via Acme threaded rod activation.

Gauges operate via PC-based Total Vu™ software. Total Vu provides a complete audit trail of the process, including flaw reporting, SPC

charts and Excel-based user-designed reports, alongwith real-timeanalysis with run and trend charts, graphical cross-section display and measurements in configurable, easy-to-read panels. Other features include in-process tolerance checking, feedback control and recipes. Laser gauges measure diameters from 0.035 to 120mm (0.0014" to 4.7"), and feature compact models and the highest measurement rates available. With the UltraGauge+, wall thickness can be measured at up to eight positions, with up to 2,000 measurements per second. LaserLincmicrometers and theUltraGauge+ digital signal processor have a four-year parts and labour warranty. If a micrometer needs warranty repair, LaserLinc will overnight deliver a temporary replacement.

Power is provided by a 10 HP AC motor with in-line reducer to provide maximum torque. A NEMA panel houses the 10 HP AC Vector main drive and all related electrical components, and operator controls are mounted on gate arms for

wiredInUSA - April 2013


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