wiredinUSA April 2012
A little part of Düsseldorf became a small corner of America last week. Pre-wire 2012 optimism turned into ‘really excited’ and ‘amazing’ responses froma number of American companies as thousands turned out to witness the new technology, the advances made over recent years and tocatchupwithprospectivenewclients. Business was brisk in all the halls and the American booths - situated near the main north entrance - were difficult to ignore. A number of friends, old and new, that I spoke to were all excited about the show and the inquiries they received. If it all turns into concrete orders, the upward trend in the US - including adding employees to the burgeoning wire and cable industry - could well be accelerated. It would be remiss of me not to say thank you for the warm welcome I and other members of the wiredInUSA team received. We hope to return the compliments by keeping you informed on all the latest news from the US and by catching up with you at Wire Expo in Dallas next month. David Bell Editor
wiredInUSA - April 2012
wiredInUSA - April 2012
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