wiredInUSA September 2020
It is delivered as a ready-to-connect kit, with no cutting or crimping required.
In a typical solar farm installation of 370MW, using a harness reduces the length of LV DC cable required from 4,200km to 2,800km. Keylios harnesses are manufactured under controlled conditions using Nexans’ Energyflex ® cables for solar plants. The cables are precision cut and all joints are ultrasonically welded. Junctions and inline fuses are overmolded to meet the IP67 rating. Access all areas AFL announced that installation of its AccessWrap doubled during June and July, with installations in Germany, France, Ireland and the UK as a result of greater demand for connectivity during the pandemic. Part of the SkyWrap ® range, AccessWrap is a fully dielectric cable wrapped around phase conductors using lightweight installation equipment. It uses existing power line infrastructure and its installation causes minimal disruption. AFL’s SkyWrap and AccessWrap cables can be used for difficult-to-reach locations. The installation equipment is lightweight and easily transported — even by donkeys and quad bikes in some of the most remote areas where it has been used.
More than 32,000km of SkyWrap and AccessWrap has been installed across the world: AccessWrap allows installation over medium voltage distribution lines, while SkyWrap can be installed on high voltage transmission lines up to 300kV. AccessWrap provides fiber counts up to 48 and SkyWrap has up to 288 fibers. Paul Bennett, general manager for AFL’s European office, said: “We all hope the pandemicwill be over soon, but some of the lifestyle changes it has caused, particularly working from home, are predicted to stay, which in turn will keep us and our power utility customers busy.”
wiredInUSA September 2020
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