wiredInUSA September 2017
Fine-tuning crosshead
Guill Tool and Engineering has introduced a new single-point concentricity extrusion crosshead that uses micro- fine adjustment screws for precise concentricity adjustment. The precision of concentricity reaches 0.008″, or finer, per revolution. This single point adjustment is a Guill development for the extrusion of thin- walled jacketing and precision tubing. One adjustment bolt controls 360° of adjustment.
Features of the single-point crosshead include a patented cam-lock deflector for quick changeovers, with a residence time of one minute at 0.5lb/hr material flow, optimized usage with extruders measuring ½″ and ¾″, and a maximum die inner diameter of 0.25″. Guill’s single-point crossheadacceptsboth vacuum and micro-air accessories, and is also suitable for pressure and sleeving applications. Fluoropolymer designs are available on request.
wiredInUSA - September 2017
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