wiredInUSA May 2017
Troester GmbH Booth 1165
Wire & Plastic Machinery Booth 1131
Wire & Plastic Machinery Corporation is a reseller of high quality second-hand wire, cable and optical fiber manufacturing equipment for wire drawing, stranding, bunching, cabling, braiding, extrusion and other cable making needs. Machines are offered as individual components to complete lines and can be delivered immediately from eight US locations or completely reconditioned by an in-house engineering team. Wire & Plastic Machinery has a comprehensive range of over 30,000 machines in stock for all aspects of non-ferrous wire and cable production. At Interwire, the company will be showcasing pictures, video and an interactive presentation of its inventory offering within an 1,800ft 2 area. It will also be presenting a virtual reality tour through its warehouses. Beverages and snacks will be available within the expansive area, and an enclosed meeting room will be available for detailed private project discussions. Booth visitors will have access to web- enabled stations for a live product search with detailed specifications and pictures. S S Just one of the many machines available from Wire & Plastic Machinery
S S New developments from Troester will be on display at Interwire
In 1892, the German engineer Paul Troester started building machines which could process unvulcanized rubber and gutta-percha. 125 years later, Troester is now well known as an extrusion partner and a supplier of machines and lines for the cable manufacturing industry. At Interwire, the company will present a variety of information and new developments in the field of CCV lines and VCV lines for XLPE and rubber cables, one-step silane lines for LV and MV cable applications, as well as high- speed insulation lines and sheathing lines. Technical solutions for CV tube components, heavy duty cable jacketing and submarine cable equipment will also be introduced. Troester will also be representing its subsidiary, X-Compound, which supplies compounding plants for cable compounds such as PVC, HFFR, XLPE, semi-conductive material and special applications.
Troester GmbH & Co KG – Germany Website: www.troester.de
wiredInUSA - May 2017
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