wiredInUSA May 2017
Increasing network
Solar sales
CSI New Energy Holding Co Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Canadian Solar Inc, has completed the sale of two solar power plants to Shenzhen Energy Nanjing Holding Co Ltd, a subsidiary of Shenzhen Energy Group Co Ltd. The transaction was closed in March 2017 and the company expects to recognize revenue from the sale of the plants when all revenue recognition criteria have been met. The plants, both located in China, have a total capacity of 69.5MW. “We are pleased to have closed the sale of two additional solar power plants in China to Shenzhen Energy,” commented Dr Shawn Qu, chairman and chief executive officer of Canadian Solar. “We are well on track to monetize our operating solar power plants in China and other countries. Shenzhen Energy is an important strategic partner of Canadian Solar, and we look forward to further expanding our strong partnershipwith themformoreopportunities in the future.”
Angola Cables has announced the completion of the marine survey for the South Atlantic Cable System (SACS), and the start of cable loading on the Angolan side of SACS. When completed, SACS will interconnect with the Monet cable system (between the United States and Brazil) and the West Africa Cable System (WACS). SACS is a 6,165km, 40Tb per second cable of four fiber pairs that will connect Angola to Brazil, linking Africa and the Americas. Angola Cables is one of 12 members of the consortium that manages WACS (and one of its largest shareholders), a cable system that provides carrier level services to operators in Angola and sub-Saharan Africa across 11 countries. A 14,530km cable running between Yzerfontein (South Africa) to London, WACS has four fiber pairs and includes 14 landing points, 12 along the western coast of Africa and two in Europe. Completion of the marine survey means that final manufacturing can be completed, and any minor route and/or cable type adjustments can be fine-tuned based on the actual survey findings. With the loading of the pre-laid shore end (PLSE) the construction of SACS is underway.
wiredInUSA - May 2017
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