wiredInUSA May 2017
Wire education
Developing cable reach
The team of electrical technicians from Sri Lanka’s Batticaloa district
The Superior Essex Taboro plant
Kelani Cables has supplied training in the manufacture of electrical wire to a team of electrical technicians from Sri Lanka’s Batticaloa district. Training was provided under the Kelani Visura CSR program to a selected team of 50 technicians representing Akkaraipattu, Batticaloa and Kalmunai. The group was taken to two of the largest Kelani Cables factories, in Kelaniya and Siyambalape, to understand the manufacturing of various types of wires and their production processes. In addition, a workshop to upgrade their knowledge with the latest techniques in the electrical technical sphere was conducted by B Sudakaran, a chief engineer in Batticaloa. The exercise was in response to research indicating that the regional engineers had little understanding of thewiremanufacture process.
LS Cable & System plans to spend $24.6 million to establish LS Cable & System USA in Taboro, North Carolina. The company will take control of a power cable plant, currently held by its US subsidiary Superior Essex. Superior Essex has 17 factories in seven countries, including Germany and Italy, and is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. The Taboro power cable plant produces medium voltage and low voltage cables and is said to account for around 1 percent of the MV and LV cable market in the US. LS Cable & System aims to quadruple its US manufacturing sales to approximately $200 million by 2021. The company plans to maximize the use of its sales connection with US power authorities and expand beyond its east presence towards the west. LS Cable & System CEO Myung Roe-hyun said: “As LS Cable & System has secured its power cable manufacturing base in the US, the company can now brace for US protectionist policies and expect benefits from infrastructure investment expansion at the same time.”
wiredInUSA - May 2017
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