wiredInUSA May 2017
Pushing London Array into second place
State Power Investment Corporation (SPIC) of China is developing an 800MW wind energy farm off the coast of Jiangsu province. Set to enter full operation in 2018, the farm will overtake the 630MW London Array as the world’s largest offshore wind site.
The second phase of construction is currently underway, set to boost installed capacity by another 400MW by October 2017 using 100 wind turbines. Once installed, it will become Asia’s largest offshore booster station and China’s first booster station to follow European standards. Due to start in the second half of 2017, the third phase of the project is situated further south. Wind turbines with 300MW of capacity will be erected in the water at a depth of 18m, 36km from the shore. This final phase of construction is expected to be completed during 2018.
The construction of the Yancheng project will occur in three phases.
The first 100MW installed capacity consists of 25 4MW Siemens turbines, which are already operating, just 10m from shore. By March 2017, this portion of the project had generated 190 million kWh of electricity.
wiredInUSA - May 2017
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