wiredInUSA July 2019

Photo by RawFilm on Unsplash

US energy mix

New information released by the Federal Energy Information Administration shows that wind power generated by Texas, Oklahoma, Iowa and Kansas accounted for over half of the 275,000,000MWh generated nationally during 2018. Texas accounted for more than 25 percent of that, while Oklahoma generated 10 percent of the US windmix. Iowawindgenerationhasmorethandoubled since 2011, now providing 34 percent of total electricity generation in the state. It has surpassed coal-fired generation for the first time, statewide, and is now second only to natural gas.

Kansas joined the top four wind producers three years ago, and in 2018 produced 36 percent of the electricity generated in the state. Five other states — California, Illinois, Minnesota, North Dakota and Colorado — provided a further 20 percent of total wind generation in the country. According to the EIA, wind power produced close to 7 percent of the total electricity generated nationwide last year. It is close to surpassing hydropower as the top renewable energy resource in thegeneration mix.

wiredInUSA - July 2019


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