wiredInUSA July 2016
The new furnace at Metex Heat Treating, installed by Can-Eng Furnaces International
Fastener furnace system from Canada
Can-Eng Furnaces International Ltd has installed and commissioned a 6,000lb/ hour continuous mesh belt atmosphere furnace system for Metex Heat Treating of Brampton, Ontario. The new system was commissioned for the hardening and tempering of high volume fasteners, and includes a computerized loading system, mesh belt controlled atmosphere hardening furnace, oil quench system, mesh belt tempering furnace, pre- and post-wash systems and a supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system.
The continuous quench and tempering system incorporates enhanced energy reduction design features achieved through the benefits of recuperative burner technology, providing improved systemefficiencies and reducedemissions. Metex Heat Treating serves high volume automotive manufacturers of stampings, fasteners and final assemblies in the Ontario, Quebec, Ohio and Michigan markets. From its three plants in Brampton, Metex processes over 60 million pounds of heat treated product each year.
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wiredInUSA - July 2016
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