wiredInUSA January 2020
The Qinghai ultra-high voltage demonstration plant is the first ground-mounted utility project in the world to install JinkoSolar’s Tiger panels, designed for 20.4 percent module efficiency. JinkoSolar’s Tiger series features a specially designed tiling ribbon that is said to improve reliability and efficiency, and outperform conventional panel yield in real-world conditions such as partial shade or elevated temperatures. JinkoSolar’s CEO, Kangping Chen, said: “We are constantly innovating and improving [our] products and I am proud to have the opportunity to demonstrate their effectiveness by installing them for the first time on a ground-mounted utility project. Our … tiling ribbon technology removes any gaps between the cells, improving reliability and efficiency.”
per hour, starting with 165mm billet with a weight of 2,500kg.
Themain equipment to be installed includes four SHS housingless stands followed by two six-pass wire rod blocks and, for larger sizes, two additional SHS stands. Through an advanced multi-strand slit- rolling system, rebars from 8mm to 22mmwill be rolled on two strands at finishing speeds of up to 45m per second.
S S The signing of the agreement between Yunnan Qujing Chenggang Steel Products and Danieli
The plant is complete with an on-line water- cooling system, double HTC (high-speed twin channel) system, and a 120m x 14m cooling bed.
Solar modules gain demo opportunity JinkoSolar Holding Co Ltd has supplied 300MW of its high energy density Tiger panels for a demonstration plant in Qinghai province in China.
wiredInUSA January 2020
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