wiredInUSA April 2016

Image: www.lightbrigade.com

Skills training

Light Brigade, a training division of AFL, and NeST institute of fiber optic technology (NIFOT) continue to work together to train skilled fiber optic technicians in India. NIFOT is collaborating with Amal Jyothi college of engineering to introduce the ANFOT fiber optics training program. The curriculum was developed by Light Brigade and approved by the Electronic Technicians Association International (ETA). Students who complete the training receive an ETA fiber optic installer (FOI) certification, and are given job placement assistance across India and the Middle East. The college recently opened a new training center designed specifically for fiber optic training. Larry Johnson, founder and director of Light Brigade, was at the inauguration event.

“Light Brigade is excited to be a part of the expansion plans for providing more fiber optic training opportunities in India,” Johnson commented. “Being here for the official inauguration for ANFOT, another facility for our training partner NiFOT, was gratifying. “This collaboration with the engineering college will provide more opportunities for people to be trained, and ultimately employed, as fiber optic field technicians.”

wiredInUSA - April 2016


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