wiUSA December 2013
Plan for German link
Abengoa’s Brazilian project
A joint venture between Tennet and TransnetBW is proposing a direct-current extra-high voltage line to carry electricity from wind farms in Schleswig-Holstein, in the north of Germany, to cities in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg in the south. The 800km line project consists of two links, a connection betweenWilster near Hamburg and Grafenrheinfeld near Schweinfurt, and a connection between Brunsbüttel and Großgartach in Baden-Württemberg. Both are being proposed as part of the government’s plan to expand the national grid. According to the national grid development plan, Germany needs 3,800km (2,356 miles) of new power lines to accommodate the boom in renewable energy and the planned withdrawal from nuclear energy over the coming decade. Before a formal application is made to the Federal Network Agency, Tennet and TransnetBW will consult the public on possible routes for the cables. The line, known as the SUED.LINK project, is intended to become operational in 2022.
The Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency (ANEEL) has chosen Abengoa to carry out a new electricity transmission project in southeast Brazil. The investment equals $228.6 million and Abengoa will directly contribute around $26.8 million. Abengoa’s responsibilities will include the engineering, design, construction, maintenance and commissioning of the 228-mile, 500kV electricity transmission concession, which is due to come into operation in September 2017. Abengoa has previously completed other projects for the Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency, including the Linha Verde and Norte Brasil lines. The most recent project, awarded in May, involves three new lines with a total length of 1,242 miles. This latest project will further develop Abengoa's experience in this sector in Latin America, where it already has over 13,670 miles of this type of transmission project. It has also participated in developing 7,456 miles of electricity transport infrastructures in Brazil.
wiredInUSA - December 2013
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