wiUSA December 2013
Network reconstruction
Potomac Edison, a subsidiary of FirstEnergy Corp, has reconstructed a 138kV transmission line in a project to strengthen its regional transmission network and help maintain reliable electric service for customers in parts of Maryland. As part of the $5.3 million project, crews installed higher capacity conductor on a 13-mile stretch of transmission line connecting substations in Frederick and Carroll Counties. "The new equipment is expected to enhance service reliability to our customers and increase the capacity of the transmission line to meet anticipated load growth in the region," said James A Sears Jr, president of FirstEnergy's Maryland operations. "The original scope of the project included reconstructing
substations along with a transmission line, all at considerably more cost. Through our merger with FirstEnergy in 2011, we were able to scale back the project by utilizing existing equipment located nearby, ultimately providing a high degree of reliability while saving our customers money in the process." The project is part of Potomac Edison's plan to spend $55 million in 2013 to further enhance the electrical system and reliability in its western Maryland and Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia service areas. Major projects scheduled for this year include transmission improvements, building new distribution circuits, replacing underground cables, inspecting and replacing utility poles, and ongoing vegetation management programs.
wiredInUSA - December 2013
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