WiredInUSA September 2019
Exhibitors’ Products
Cersa MCI IWCS Booth: 201
technology) for round product (20 to 2,000µm). A complementary solution to the current offering to improve quality inspection. • Optical fibre-measuring devices: a complete solution to ensure high-quality certification during the drawing process. The largest and most demanding companies choose Cersa instruments to certify production and master their processes. More than 500 high-speed lines are drawing with Cersa-MCI instruments worldwide.
Established in 1981, French company Cersa- MCI designs and manufactures high-level measuring devices for fine wire, cable and optical fibres. The company uses its experience to help customers enhance production quality, using advanced technologies such as interferometers and diffraction cameras to ensure high-speed measurements and high accuracy.
Its sensors are useful on-line and off-line for non-contact measurement applications.
Cersa-MCI measuring devices are split into two lines:
On-line devices:
• LDS one or twoaxes for finewirediameter monitoring during drawing process (5 to 2,000µm) • LPS-3-H to monitor diameter and detect lump and neckdown in a single product for larger wire and cable diameters (0.3 to 5mm) • SQM-F to display and characterise any kind of surface defects (new patent
Off-line devices: The range of LDS one-axis gauges, developed more than 20 years ago for laboratory applications and continuously improved, for tiny wire measurements. Fitted with WSR accessory (measures over 360°) and associated with CIM software, it becomes a complete solution for measuring wires from 2mm down to 5µm.
wiredInUSA September 2019
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