wiredInUSA - September 2016
signal when long lengths of bare wire are
Clintonwill alsoexhibit anddemonstrate the
STCAL automatic spark tester calibration
system. The STCAL systemwill calibrate high
frequency AC, mains frequency AC, and
DC spark testers to all major specifications.
Calibration is automatically performed
and documented on all of Clinton’s new
B-Series spark testers and selected A-Series
models. Manual or assisted calibration can
be performed on older Clinton units as well
as equipment manufactured by others.
When paired with Clinton’s model SM
sensitivity tester, a complete calibration
solution to IEC and NEMA standards is
Booth 207
Maillefer staff will be on hand to discuss
high performance and cost-effective
manufacturing solutions for fiber optic
cables. “IWCS is an important venue for the
cable and connectivity industry and we
are proud to join the suppliers’ exhibition,”
said Dr Mikko Lahti, R&D director.
At the conference Dr Lahti will present
his paper entitled ‘Exploring the Limits of
Buffering Process for Both Standard and
Micro Tubes’. He will be available during
the whole conference and suppliers’
exhibition to discuss the results of his work
and the manufacturing solutions currently
The company’s high performance solutions
offer a wide variety of innovations. For
example, the compression technology with
tension feedback serves to keep precise
control of excess fiber length (EFL) on the
fiber optic secondary coating line OEL 40.
And with OEL 40///Explore Maillefer has
reached the ultra-high production speed
of 1,000m/min.
The company provides manufacturing
solutions for every stage of the fiber optic
cable process. The portfolio includes tight
buffering, secondary coating, SZ stranding
and jacketing lines available for production
ranging from long haul cables to FTTx with
low fiber counts and short lengths.
Medek & Schörner
Booth 305
Medek & Schörner produces a range of
cable marking machines:
Cable marking machines:
• High quality gravure printers (LAN
cables, control cables, etc) for speeds
up to 1,200m/min
• Water misting unit for the application
of fine water dust for pre-cooling of the
hot wire immediately after the extruder
• Embossing meter markers/hot foil
sequential meter markers for high
accuracy of length measurement
(power cables, telecommunication
cables, optical fibre cables, etc)
• High performance ring markers for
marking telephone wires, switchboard