wiredInUSA - September 2016
wiredInUSA - September 2016
Northern Cables, a Brockville-based
company that manufactures copper,
aluminum and low voltage cables for
industrial, mining and commercial use,
has received $820,000 from the ministry of
economic development and growth to
expand its Brockville facilities by 30,000ft
and to allow for investment in new
equipment to manufacture aluminum
products at its Prescott facility.
Shelley Bacon, the company’s CEO and
founder, reported: “We already started
our site plan work a couple of weeks ago,
so we anticipate being able to start the
foundation for the addition in the next
few days. We’re just waiting on a building
The project has a total value of $8.2 million
and is expected to be completed in 2020.
The development will include an outdoor
storage dome, to keep millions of yards of
cable safe from the elements.
“This project will help Northern Cables
increase productivity, stay competitive
and create good paying jobs in the