wiredInUSA - September 2016
wiredInUSA - September 2016
diamondBRIDGE, a data interface system
designed to improve security and quality
on production lines that utilize ink jet
printers for marking and coding products.
manufacturing operations, diamondBRIDGE
acts as a data bridge between the line
operator, quality control personnel and the
ink jet printer. It allows front line operators
to change the codes on ink jet printers
at the point and time of production, so
eliminating the coding errors often made
when operators rely on paper orders when
setting up ink jet printers.
GemGravure developed diamondBRIDGE
because its customer base needed to
reduce common errors such as loading
the wrong text or misspelling important
information. With diamondBRIDGE, errors
because operators have access to the
most up-to-date information related to
printer messages and other equipment
settings. This vital information is displayed
clearly on the diamondBRIDGE screen.
In addition to preventing operators from
typing in wrong codes and misspelling
information, diamondBRIDGE alsoprevents
unauthorized operators from sending files
or making unapproved changes.
diamondBRIDGE is designed to control
several ink jet printers on a line. It is
hard-wired, and can be connected to a
WiFi network.
Ensuring WYS
is WYG in
cable printing