WiredInUSA March 2016


The company’s triaxially braided composite standard and BackBone ™ flyer bow constructions are claimed to have greater durability than layered/laminated designs, allowing them to take more hits and endure higher stress, yielding increased operating life and less machine downtime.

The Rotomac ® rotary is designed for ease of use and superior performance in detecting seam type defects in small diameter wire and bar, including lines with continuous wire operations such as drawing, spring-making, parts forming, or in straight and cut. Setting up distance compensation, a critical feature for testing ovate wire, is straightforward, and quick twist-on bushings and dial in diameter adjustments add to the convenient operation of this rotary. MAC’s Multimac ® eddy current instrumentation, with two test channels, completes the system. Also featured will be the single channel, compact, full feature Minimac ® 55. This versatile eddy current instrument includes software controls for all functions including phasing, filtering and sensitivity, all while operating at speeds over 4,000 fpm. The test results are displayed in full-color polar and linear mode showing real time, true waveform signals for easy review on a separate on-site monitor or at remote locations. The track screen depicts the test product’s length, with data on line speed, end suppression, flaw tracking, piece count and alarm routing. Linear strip charts and complete test data, as well as an unlimited number of settings, can be stored, annotated and recalled froma library on the internal storage device or network.

S S Keir’s clamshell-style SplitShot air wipe

The more aerodynamic BackBone ™ design functions at lower power consumption and higher TPM with improved wire quality and a further reduction in bow breakage. Up to 40 percent less energy is used along with a decrease in wire scrapped.

Keir Manufacturing Inc – USA Website: www.keirmfg.com Magnetic Analysis Corp Booth: 11J14

Magnetic Analysis Corp will be introducing a new high-speed Rotomac ® rotary eddy current tester, and will display the new affordable Minimac ® 55 high performance eddy current instrument.

wiredInUSA - March 2016


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