WiredInUSA March 2016
Exhibitor Hall/Booth Uniriv Ltd ............................................................... 15 F52 Unistrong Industrial Co Ltd .............................11 C06-7 Universal Punch Corp .........................................15 H13 Upcast OY . ......................................................... 09 C06 UTA Auto Industrial Co Ltd ............................15 B26-03 Uygar Makina San ve Tic Ltd Sti ........................ 10 F06 V+S - Vogel & Schemmann Maschinen GmbH ......................................... 09 C68 Varo Srl..................................................................16 B22 VDKM German Wire and Cable Machine Manufacturers Association eV...................... 11 A05 Venus Wire Industries Pvt Ltd ............................. 09 E34 Verschleisstechnik Kämpfer GmbH ................. 10 A51 VIPA Srl ................................................................ 12 D14 Videx Machine Engineering Ltd ....................... 15 A53 Vinco Vizcaina de Industria y Comercio SA . .. 16 F42 Viraj Profiles Limited ........................................... 17 C40 Viraj Profiles Limited ........................................... 17 C60 Vision Engineering Ltd ....................................... 15 A59 Vivirad SA ............................................................ 17 A09 Vladimir Plant of Precision Alloys JSC ............... 11 J09 Voco Sàrl ............................................................. 12 E26 Volme-Draht GmbH ........................................... 12 E65 vom Hagen & Funke GmbH .............................. 10 B42 VSM Vereinigte Schmirgel- und Maschinen-Fabriken AG................................ 15 D05 VUHZ AS . ..............................................................10 B49 WTM Srl ................................................................ 11 D78 Wafios AG ............................................................ 10 F22 Wafios AG ............................................................ 10 F42 Wafios Umformtechnik/EWMenn ...................... 15 B06 Wafios Umformtechnik GmbH . ......................... 10 F42 Wagener GmbH & Co KG Stahldrahtwerk .....10 G51 Walzwerke Einsal GmbH .................................... 12 B48 Wardwell Braiding Co ........................................ 09 B33 Wasik Associates Inc . ......................................09 E10-4 WCISA – Wire and Cable Industry Suppliers Association .................................. 09 D16-7 WDI Westfälische Drahtindustrie GmbH .......... 10 D06 Weber & Scher Mfg Co Inc ............................... 10 B71 Weighpack, WPI Services BV ............................. 15 F22 Weihai Hongda Trading Co Ltd ....................... 17 A63 Weilly Diamond Industrial Co Ltd ..................11 C06-3 Werkzeugfabrik Albert Krenn ............................10 G66 WICSE Web Trading Service Sprl ....................... 12 E16 Wiedenbach Apparatebau GmbH ................16 G78 Wilhelm vom Hofe Drahtwerke GmbH ............ 10 D60 Willi Bremer GmbH ............................................. 10 D78 Windak OÜ ..........................................................09 B42 Wire Association International Inc ....................11 B21 Wire & Cable Technology International ...... 09 D16-7 Wire Forming Technology International ....... 09 D16-7 Wire Lab Company ............................................10 H42 Wire & Cable ASIA magazine .......................... 11 D26 Wire & Plastic Machinery Corp ......................... 09 E20 Wire World Internet Inc . ...................................... EN 10 WireCo World Group ......................................... 17 C66
Exhibitor Hall/Booth WiredInUSA magazine . ..................................... 11 D26 Wirex Dies & Steel India Private Limited .......... 10 D39 WiTECH Wire Technologies SL ............................ 09 E33 WiTechs GmbH ....................................................10 H39 Witels-Albert GmbH............................................. 09 E39 WOLCO Sp zoo ...................................................11 B69 Wolf-Signiertechnik Stempel-Wolf GmbH ........ 09 F55 Woodburn Diamond Die Inc ............................ 09 C14 The World Company for Drawing Wires Nassar Group.................................................. 17 A59 Worlles SL . ........................................................... 15 D39 Woywod Kunststoffmaschinen GmbH & Co Vertriebs-KG.............................. 09 A42 Wrentham Tool Group . ...................................... 15 J37 WSD GmbH Werkzeuge-Schrauben-Drehteile ................ 15 A26 WTN Werkzeugtechnik Niederstetten GmbH & Co KG ............................................... 15 B42 Wuxi Aotian Steel Wire Products Co Ltd ......... 17 E66 Wuxi Quantong Cable Material Co Ltd ........... 09 F77 Wuxi Sima Meida Electro-Technical Co Ltd . ... 11 B18 Wuxi Xingcheng Special Materials Co Ltd .......16 H73 X-Compound GmbH .......................................... 10 F60 Ya Sih Technology Co Ltd ..............................11 C06-6 Yeswin Machiery Co Ltd ................................... 15 A37 YHM Springtech Machinery Co .......................16 G22 Yield Management Corporation .................. 09 D16-6 Yih Shen Machinery Co Ltd ...........................11 C06-1 Young Heung Iron & Steel Co Ltd ..................... 17 B52 Yuang Hsian Metal Industrial Corp ...............11 C06-2 Zami 1950 Srl ....................................................... 09 C03 ZDB Dratovna as ................................................ 09 C59 Zeller+Gmelin GmbH & Co KG........................... 09 F60 Zenkoh Co Ltd ..................................................... 11 J12 Zeus Techno Inc .................................................. 15 F06 Zhangjiagang Free Trade Zone Drow New Material Science & Technology Co Ltd ...... 17 A55 Zhejiang Senwang Metal Product Co Ltd ...... 17 E64 Zhejiang Tenglong Stainless Steel Products Co Ltd .................................................. 16 F66 Zink Körner GmbH .............................................. 12 A61 Zollern GmbH & Co KG ..................................... 12 C71 ZT Srl ...................................................................... 11 F14 Zumbach Electronic AG ................................... 11 D41 Zwez-Chemie GmbH ......................................... 15 C56 Zwick GmbH & Co KG ........................................16 H55
wiredInUSA - March 2016
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