WiredInUSA March 2016


Cicoil can truly say that its technology is out of this world. For the American company has recently taken possession of a flat cable harness it built in the 1960s which was used on the Apollo 9 space walk. The company bought back the bio-harness assembly in a recent NASA Apollo space program auction. The 26 inch long electrical biomedical harness was worn by Commander JimMcDivitt during the ten-day flight. You can read the full story on page 9. A little closer to home, many companies are now preparing themselves for the largest exhibition in the wire and cable calendar – wire 2016 in Düsseldorf, Germany, from 4 th to 8 th April. The week-long exhibition attracts thousands of visitors and exhibitors towhat is undoubtedly the largest show in the calendar. Some of the American exhibitors can be found in our special preview, which starts on page 40. If you are attending and have not submitted your editorial yet, send it to david@intras.co.uk now for inclusion in the April issue of wiredInUSA . #57 EDITOR

David Bell Editor

wiredInUSA - March 2016


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