WiredInUSA June 2016
Sikora Booth: 1015
high-end diameter measurement with the Laser Series 2000/6000.
The precise and reliable Lump 2000 devices with double sensor technology for lump detection on the product surface will also be shown.
Sikora is presenting a full program of non-contact measuring and control devices for quality assurance and cost reduction in the wire and cable industry.
Sikora International Corp – USA Website: www.sikora.net
Sjogren Wire Tooling Booth: 707
Sjogren Wire Tooling has introduced several new innovations that represent new opportunities to increase spindle uptime. These innovations include two new products: the spindle cartridge wire straightener, and the new wire puller. It also includes three technological advancements that can be applied in different ways depending on each operation’s specific requirements: static wire guide technology, heat treat and coating technology, and high-speed cartridge assembly. Spindle cartridge wire straightener: Designed to simplify the difficulties of straightening high-carbon wire with >0.1mm diameter, the spindle cartridges enable the rollers to turn on the bearings’ inner rate to allow an increase in line speed of +30 per cent over conventional rollers.
S S The X-Ray 6000 Pro measures diameter, ovality, wall thickness and concentricity of cables
The company will showcase the Wire-Temp 6000, a non-contact conductor temperature measurement system that is now also available for diameters up to 50mm and suitable for installation in CV lines. Another highlight will be the X-Ray 6000 Pro for online measurement of wall thickness, concentricity and diameter of up to three layers of different material for increased process stability, quality and cost saving during the production of cables.
In addition, Sikora will present its broad product range of devices for classic and
Its unique non-opening design also reduces the downtime required to re-string
wiredInUSA - June 2016
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