WCN Spring 2010
Istanbul Cable & Wire 09 technical conference attracts good audience
More than 160 wire and cable engineers and other industry pro- fessionals participated in the IWMA’s biennial technical conference in Istanbul in early November last year. The event was co-organised with the WAI, ACIMAF and CET. In addition to twenty-six technical papers covering ferrous and non- ferrous topics in tune with the conference theme, “New Technology for Global Markets”, a highlight and very well-received feature was a keynote presentation on the metals industry. The thought provok- ing presentation by Dr Büchner of IKB Deutsche Industriebank, “Recovery of the world economy: consequences for capacities and prices of metals”, was certainly a major topic of conversation during breaks and dinner. A social highlight of the conference was the gala reception for parti-
Conference delegates at Vatan Kablo factory ▲ ▲
A major contributing element to the conference was the support of all the sponsors and in particular the joint main sponsors Sarkuysan and ER-Bakir. All the joint organisers are indebted to these two companies and all other sponsors for their support. Post–event comments from speakers and delegates were positive and the IWMA Technical Sub Committee and the other co-organisers are very grateful for a number of suggestions for refinements or additions to future conferences. Already the organisers are considering a number of options for the location of the next biennial event in 2011. The conference CD-ROM of the technical papers presented, as well as access to the Büchner presentation, is available from the Secretariat at US$90 for non-members or US$75 for members.
cipants in the 4 th century Binbirdirek Cistern near the Blue Mosque in the historic centre of old Istanbul. After cocktails and a four-course dinner the attendees were entertained in traditional style by Turkish musicians and dancers.
Speakers and delegates enjoyed Istanbul conference social event at the ▼ ▼ historic Binbirdirek Cistern
Many delegates enjoyed a factory tour to Vatan Kablo. The organisers are very appreciative for the excellent hospitality shown to the visitors by Vatan Kablo as well as the plant tour sponsorship provided by Upcast Oy.
drawing machine that in turn fed a 16mm 3-dimensional AIM CNC bender. Krueger Steel provided all the wire used for the open house. “The turnout was better than that of a trade show! We sold three new machines at the open house,” said Constantine Grapsas, the company’s founder and managing director. wire Düsseldorf stand: 11A25 AIM Inc – USA Fax : +1 630 458 0730 Email : info@aimmachines.com Website : www.aimmachines.com
manufacturing requirements. The new “Synchro” bender design was well received, and described as the most innovative machine with the least production limitations currently available. Fanuc Robotics showcased new, low inertia robots along with vision inspection and in-line tracking where a robot picked parts from a moving conveyor. BF ENTRON demonstrated the new mid-frequency DC welding controls, welding parts produced by a 2D AIM wire bender. RMG showcased a new descaler line, feeding a wire
AIM’s open house Over 150 visitors from across the world attended the open house staged by AIM, in collaboration with IncRMG, ENTRON, Krueger Steel and Fanuc Robotics. The event was hosted at the AIM factory in Addison, Illinois on 16 th and 17 th November, to coincide with the Fabtech trade show. AIM Inc and the co-sponsors rolled out their new developments with ten machines on display, covering the majority of wire bending and
WCN Issue N° 42 www.iwma.org
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