WCN Autumn 2012

W I R E & C A B L E I N D U S T R Y

42 YearsofExcellence


Never deal with spent acid solution again

The benefits of using PRO-pHx in acids :

PRO-pHx reagent chemistry drops metals, organics and impurities out of the solution which build up during the pickling, stripping, activation, passivation and cleaning processes. This frees up the remaining available acid in the solution, extending the acid life indefinitely, and decreasing the quantity of new acid necessary to maintain the desired dilution of acid to water ratio. The only replacement acid necessary is the small amount lost during drag out, evaporation and production. Filtration is necessary, as are acid spikes.

• Extends acid life indefinitely • Eliminates costly disposal methods • Reduces make up acid • Maintains acids at optimum effectiveness • Requires minor capital investment (simple filtration) • Convenient, cost effective in-house application • No unpleasant odour when introduced into acid • Eliminates environmental issues associated with disposal • May result in ‘small generator’ classification for RCRA wastes • Captures operating costs as profit

S S Extend the acid life with Siebec

Using PRO-pHx in your system :

Galvanising, anodising, electroplating wire and rod plants, steel mills, gravures and all industries requiring acids, PRO pHx acid life extender restores spent acid and extends the acid life indefinitely.

• Eliminates acid dumps • Reduces acid make up requirements • Reduces filter cake in waste treatment • Reduces acid requirements 70-90% • Reduces filtered solid 50-98%.

Siebec GmbH – Germany Email: info@siebecgmbh.de Website: www.siebecgmbh.de

Electrostatic powder coating machine The electrostatic powder coating machine model RSC of Hamburg, Germany-based Rolf Schlicht GmbH was designed for an even, finely dosable and absolutely dust free powdering of cables, wires, hoses and profiles with powders like talc, stearate, lac powder, swellable powder, etc. and the speed of the dust cloud. Depending on the product the powder gun can be equipped with different powder nozzles. In the machine there is a fully automatic and maintenance-free filter system that is cleaned off by a special process. Thanks to this filter system a strong and constant vacuum is generated in the machine, guaranteeing no escape of the powder.

By the electrostatic charging of the powder a strong adhesive and even layer on the surface is reached. The electrostatic also makes sure that no powder falls from the product outside of the dusting chamber. Depending on extrusion speed and product diameter, one to four powder guns of 100kV each are used. In the machine there is a fluidised powder hopper out of which the powder is sucked by pneumatic venturi pumps and blown to the guns. For an optimal adjustment of the powder quantity you can adjust the power of the electrostatic charging from 0-100kV, the powder quantity

If there is not enough space in the line to place the machine Schlicht can deliver a free-standing dusting chamber which is connected to the machine by hoses. For an extremely fine powdering of slowly running products Schlicht offers a fine dosing device to make sure that only a minimal amount of powder is transported to the guns.

Rolf Schlicht GmbH – Germany Email: info@schlicht-gmbh.com Website: www.schlicht-gmbh.com

S S The RSC model


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