WCN Autumn 2010
Tradition combined with innovation August Hildebrandt Cable Drums, established in 1868, is among Europe’s largest cable drum producers with more than 130 employees and six facilities.
Steel drums with a diameter of between 1,200mm and • 6,000mm with a maximum capacity of 100,000kg August Hildebrandt can assist in developing new con- structions relative to user needs to save costs, and offers various options for wooden drums including iron tyres, cable exit hole, ramps or heat treatment (ISPM 15/IPPC), pressure impregnation, painting, marking and many more. August Hildebrandt guarantees a high quality product certificated with the DIN ISO 9001 and DIN ISO 14001. This capability, and the long tradition of August Hildebrandt GmbH, qualifies the company as a solid business partner for the cable, wire, tube and belt producing industry. IBA enters an exclusive agreement with Dasheng IBA has extended its offering by adding the Dasheng Electron beam accelerators to its portfolio of high current IBA-Dynamitron ® (formerly called RDI Dynamitron ® ). As of 1 st April 2010, IBA will be the exclusive distributor of the Dasheng E-beam accelerators outside of China. IBA will also be responsible for providing installation and support services to Dasheng E-beam accelerator customers outside of China. “Not only will this collaboration extend our IBA Dynamitron portfolio but Dasheng will also bring in the collaboration its expertise in cable and heat-shrink products, reel-to-reel under beam systems, irradiation process and related compounds,” said Serge Lamisse, president of IBA Industrial. “Our customers will have access to both product lines. Dasheng E-beam accelerators are mainly targeted for R&D facilities or lower current applications, while the original IBA Dynamitron will focus on high current, high throughput applications,” he explained. “Entering such collaboration with IBA allows us to extend our geographical coverage while offering our users the support and the service of IBA around the world,” added Mr Kenneth Hsiao, CEO of Dasheng. Dasheng E-beam accelerators and IBA Dynamitrons are high technology accelerators designed for both industrial processing and research applications. Wire and cable insulation crosslinking with electron beam improves cable insulation strength, durability and resistance with higher standards than any other technology. Every year, a greater percentage of automotive and aeronautics cables are treated with electron beam processing. August Hildebrandt GmbH – Germany Fax : +49 385 645 3064 Email : contact@cabledrum.com Website : www.cabledrum.com
Tradition and expertise are combined with innovation and the latest state-of-the-art production of modern drums. Customers are provided with technical assistance, individual solutions and a broad area of expertise. The flexibility of production and design enables August Hildebrandt to produce drums according to individual customer specification. Drums are supplied assembled or as kits for container shipment. The August Hildebrandt product range includes: Wooden drums with a diameter of 600mm – 4,500mm • with a maximum capacity of 50,000kg Plywood drums of 300mm – 1,500mm diameter • Plastic drums of 250mm – 800mm diameter • Why not take advantage of the IWMA’s educational award scheme? Every two years the IWMA funds an Educational Trust Scheme that provides a financial award of up to $24,000. The award is paid to an institute, training organisation, university, college or similar establishment for the benefit of an individual trainee, student or apprentice engaged in study, research or training activities related to the wire, cable or wire product industries. Awards can also be made to industry institutions or establishments that offer training in the wire and cable sector. Members are invited to submit an application, which, when received with supporting documentation, will be judged by the Educational Trust Fund Council. Applicants may be employed by a company or be students, apprentices, individuals at colleges, institutions, universities or other places of research and learning who are introduced by an IWMA member. They should be committed to the study and future employment in the field of engineering applicable to the wire, cable or wire product industries. Applications from educational and training establishments can also be considered as described above. Previous individual award winners are not eligible to apply. Applications should be received before 31 st December 2010. For more information please visit: www.iwma.org/ education.php or contact the IWMA Secretariat. Walter Niehoff Scholarship
IBA Industrial – Belgium Fax : +32 1047 5992
Tel : +44 1926 834680 Email : info@iwma.org
Fax : +44 1926 314755 Website : www.iwma.org
Email : industrial.eu@iba-group.com Website : www.iba-industrial.com
WCN Issue N° 43 www.iwma.org
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