WCN Autumn 2008

wire/Tube China 2008 exhibit space totally sold out

The third editions of these rapidly developing concurrent exhibitions will run from 23-26 September 2008 at the superb Shanghai New International Exhibition Centre (SNIEC) in the Pudong district of Shanghai. Tube China 2008 will be located in halls W4 (mainly international exhibitors) and W5 (local exhibitors) whilst wire China will take place in halls W1 (international exhibitors) and W2 and W3 (both mainly local exhibitors). These exhibitions are seen as increasingly important by the local industries and this is underlined by the large number of Chinese exhibitors who had already booked by the end of April 2008: nearly three hundred for wire and over two hundred for Tube. Messe D ü sseldorf informed the IWMA in May that both exhibitions were totally sold out with long waiting lists. The IWMA will be located in hall W1 on information stand A43 providing its standard support services including office facilities, hospitality, meeting area

The exhibition floor of wire/Tube 2006 ▲ ▲

For advice on attending wire China 2008 please contact the IWMA Secretariat. The exhibition is organised by Messe Düsseldorf with support from Shanghai Electric Cable Research Institute.

and additional interpreter services for members and companies in the IWMA’s exhibitor group. Personnel from IWMA member companies who are just visiting the exhibition will also be entitled to make full use of all these services.

▼ Map of the Shanghai New International Exhibition Centre (SNIEC) - home of wire/Tube China 2008


WIRE & CABLE NEWS • Issue N° 39 – Autumn 2008 • www.iwma.org

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