WCA September 2016

wire China 2016

manufacturing machinery for many years, and will be displaying a number of photographs and videos of machines already delivered to the rope and cable industry. The main products are all types of high-speed stranding machines, machines for CTC conductors, pay-offs/take-ups, taping heads, and disc- and belt-type cater- pillars/capstans. Highlights of this year’s new development was the manu- facturing and installation of a large planetary strander for the ❍ Just one of the machines already delivered to the industry

production of subsea cables, based on reel weights of up to 55 tons per conductor. High-energy efficiency was obtained due to the use of the latest motor and drive technology with full energy recovery. The second-hand department offers a full choice of machines and equipment for the wire and cable industry. Queins Machines GmbH – Germany Website : www.queins.com Stolberger-KMB – Germany Website : www.stolberger.com

type (using large round compacted conductor or trapezoidal wires) for both land and submarine cable. Pourtier – France Website : www.pourtier-setic.com ❍ A power regenerative high speed concentric strander module of four reels with three wires each (Pourtier COS 1200-4)

RosendahlNextrom Stand W1D43

Queins Machines Stolberger-KMB Stand W1G57

Rosendahl and Nextrom have been focusing on how to create even more customer value with their advanced manufacturing technology.

Queins Machines GmbH and Stolberger-KMB, both Germany- based companies, have been


wire China 2016 – Shanghai New International Expo Centre 26 th -29 th September


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