WCA September 2014
wire China 2014
• Garathane™ thermoplastic urethane flame retardant blends and alloys. AlphaGary offers colour concentrates to support all of its compound types, both custom-matched and to standards such as Munsell and RAL. AlphaGary, a Mexichem company, specialises in advanced fire safety and environmental compliance and is committed to providing its customers with material compound solutions to meet the various cable performance requirements in different regions of the world. It delivers support to help its customers choose the most appropriate materials for speciality cable designs. Its ISO 9001-registered facilities are in the USA, UK, Mexico and Colombia, while the sales team in Asia is operated through IMCD Plastics (Shanghai) Co Ltd. Balloffet Stand ......................................... TBA Headquartered in France, Balloffet has been manufacturing dies since 1870 and has three subsidiary companies in the USA, UK and Germany, as well as a worldwide network of agents. The company has maintained all its die production in Europe. AlphaGary Corporation – USA Website : www.alphagary.com
AEI Compounds Ltd Stand .................................... W1C49 AEI Compounds has expanded its high-performance range of low smoke and fume, zero halogen, crosslinkable compounds intended for use in oil and gas, marine and railway applications. The company’s expertise in Sioplas technology has helped in the development of SX-0620 silane crosslinked LSFOH compound, which is a rubber-like, highly flexible, oil-resistant compound solution and has been manufactured to meet strict regulatory performance requirements of cables made to IEC 60092-359 SHF2 and EN50264 EM104. The compound can now be specified by cable manufacturers operating within the OGP, marine and rail industries to produce tougher and more durable oil resistance cable sheathing needed in harsh, exposed offshore environments. Sioplas tech- nology has also been used to develop SX-0650, an easy process LSFOH compound, which meets the latest requirements of EN50618 and TÜV 2 Pfg 1169/08.2007 for PV solar applications. To meet UL ® PV solar cable standards, AEI Compounds parent company Saco Polymers has launched Pexidan ® V/T-2UV, which is a silane crosslinked, RoHS-compliant flame-retardant com- pound system, UL bulletinised to meet UL4703. Insulation made with this system may be marked SUNRES or ‘SR’ in all colours and in all sizes per UL44. This product is also CSA listed for RW90, RWU90, RPV90, RPVU90 and CIC, ‘SR’ and -40°C rated. For the building wire and conduit cable markets, AEI Compounds has launched SX-0612S, which is a silane crosslinked, easy process and high output insulation material complying with BS7211 and BS EN 50525-3-41:2011. SX-0612S processes at high production speeds, is highly resistant to pre-cure in extruders, and is ambient curable. AEI Compounds Ltd – UK Website : www.aeicompounds.co.uk AIM Inc Stand .....................................W1F04 AIM will be presenting the AFC Compact 3D Bender. The AFC 6 has been growing in popularity due to the small investment, versatility, small footprint and low-cost maintenance.
❍ The AFC Compact 3D Bender
The AFC Compact enables smaller companies to bring in automation and larger ones to offset current capacity. A standard one-year warranty, slip ring technology, DXF/XYZ importation, animation simulator and ease of programming are a few of the features of the AFC Series machines. In addition, robotics, external chamfering and other ancillary devices can be integrated. Upgraded and updated 2D and 3D CNC wire bending solutions, single and double bending head machines with Fanuc robotics integration and complete automated systems all form part of the bender. In all instances, wire can be fed directly from a coil, straightened, bent and cut using a software package that provides flexibility and simplicity in programming and is offered in all universal languages. AIM Machines – USA Website : www.aimmachines.com AlphaGary Stand .....................................W1F08 To meet the evolving fire performance and environmental compliance criteria in Asia, Europe, the Middle East and North/South America, AlphaGary has developed a portfolio of speciality compounds for a wide variety of cable designs and applications, in both copper and fibre optic: • Smokeguard™ low smoke vinyl alloys meeting RoHS environmental compliance for North American plenum and European CPD Class B1/B2 • Megolon™ halogen-free materials for IEC 60332-1/60332-3C, European CPD Classes C to E, power cable sheathing and crosslinkable insulations • Garaflex™ TPE styrenic, vinyl, olefinic/EPDM and vulcanisate blends
❍ Dies from Balloffet
The company produces natural diamond dies from 6µ to 3mm, synthetic mono-crystalline dies from 6µ to 1mm, poly-crystalline (PCD) dies from 50µ to 30mm, compacting, stranding and special shaped dies, enamelling guides, extrusion tooling (guides and dies), special tooling with diamond inserts and repolishing machines and equipment. Balloffet also offers repolishing, training of operators and technicians in its own training centre and
wire China 2014 – Shanghai New International Expo Centre 24 th -27 th September
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