WCA September 2011
wire Southeast Asia 2011
➣➢➣ diameter range of 6mm-225mm (over lead), and a range of melting pots are available for 10, 18 and 35 tonne capacities. Additional equipment includes the cable repair and recovery system CRRS, which has the possibility of removing individual layers, such as the outer jacket, lead sheath or triple layer XLPE insulation, without causing any damage to the subsequent layer below. This enables the outer jacket, lead sheath or triple layer XLPE to be reapplied and the cable repaired. Even if the cable is just going to be scrapped, the metal price differences for insulated or un-insulated cables are very large and the equipment would have a very short pay-back period, if the metals are scrapped in their ‘bright’ form.
transformers, wind mills, high velocity trains and motors. ITEC’s main products are paper taping machines, fibreglass covering machines, and thermal Kapton machines. The company is able to design and construct machines according to customer requirements. ❍ ITEC manufactures insulating machines
❍ Ideal butt welder type DSH 130 with accessories
ITEC Co Ltd – China Fax : +86 21 33518029
Email : sales@itec-china.com Website : www.itec-china.com
The company manufactures a com- prehensive range of mesh production machines covering high production reinforcing lines, heavy quick-change engineering mesh lines, precision off coil light mesh lines and grating welders. Ideal also offers a wide range of butt welding machines for all branches of the wire industry. The welders are used by wire drawing, cable manufacturing and wire fabri- cating companies, for butt welding of steel and non-ferrous wire from 0.15 to 18mm diameter. A wide range of accessories is available for ease of the coil joining operation. Annealing devices are also available for annealing of the weld joints in carbon steel wire.
Kieselstein GmbH Stand K18
As a manufacturer of modern wire drawing and draw-peeling plants Kieselstein offers wire manufacturers individual machine solutions that are tailored to the customer’s requirements and optimised for the requested purpose.
❍ Lead extruder from HFSAB
H Folke Sandelin AB (HFSAB) is also able to supply second hand fully refurbished lead extruders to very high standards.
H Folke Sandelin AB – Sweden Fax : +46 141 203 639
Email : hfsab@hfsab.com Website : www.hfsab.com
Ideal-Werk German pavilion
Ideal-Werk – Germany Fax : +49 2941 206 169
Two experienced international com- panies supplying welding machines to service the wire industry will be jointly exhibiting at wire Southeast Asia. Ideal-Werk of Germany and Clifford Welding Systems of South Africa will have a combined stand in the German pavilion. Ideal develops and manufactures wire mesh welding machines and jig welders for various wire articles. The machines are designed to assure high flexibility and short change-over times. Clifford will demonstrate its capability in the reinforcement and off coil line wire and crosswire mesh production line areas.
Email : info@ideal-werk.com Website : www.ideal-werk.com
❍ Draw-peeling unit
The company will present a draw- peeling unit for producing superior quality wire. Draw-peeling units can be delivered as a part of a draw-peeling plant, but can also be integrated into existing plant systems. It gives wire producers the opportunity to increase the wire quality considerably with low effort and using existing wire drawing plants. Kieselstein GmbH – Germany Fax : +49 371 910 4105 Email : info@kieselstein-group.com Website : www.kieselstein-group.com
Clifford Welding Systems (Pty) Ltd – South Africa Fax : +27 33 355 34 34 Email : sales@cliffeng.com Website : www.ideal-werk.com
ITEC Co Ltd Stand F09
ITEC Co Ltd is a manufacturer of insulating machines. The company’s machines are used by customers who supply international manufacturers of
wire Southeast Asia – BITEC, Bangkok 13 th -15 th September 2011 90
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