WCA September 2011
wire Southeast Asia 2011
conductors), telephone cables (pairing, quadding machines and group twinners, laying-up drum twister mc), steel ropes (double twist), tubular machines for stranding/closing, bow type machines for stranding and planetary machines for stranding/ closing. Sictra is a key reference in the wire drawing industry and is specialised in the design and manufacture of large production ranges of wire drawing machinery for non-ferrous wires like copper, aluminium and alloys. programme includes rod breakdown and multi- wire machines, intermediate fine wire drawing lines, spoolers, coilers and complete production lines to draw “Trolley” grooved contact wire. Cortinovis Machinery SpA – Italy Fax : +39 035 312 523 Email : cortinovis@cortinovismachinery.com Website : www.cortinovismachinery.com Sictra’s production
Condat will also be displaying the new range of high performance Borax free surface coatings for low and high carbon steel (tyre cord, PC strands, spring wire, etc) Vicafil TS 7101 and Vicafil TS 7133. For the growing market of saw wire the company is introducing the new wet drawing emulsion Vicafil SL 3400 which offers high tool life and good surface quality for very fine diameters and high steel grades. Condat – France Fax : +33 478 073 800 Email : info@condat.fr Website : www.condat-lubricants.com
Eder Engineering Stand C26
Eder Engineering offers efficient standard, semi-automatic and fully automatic machines for both the reconditioning and production of ultra hard precision tools made from tungsten carbide, natural diamond and synthetic PCD, drawing dies, as well as technical assistance for all Eder die-tool working equipment.
Cortinovis Machinery SpA Stand L01
Cortinovis, well-known machinery manufacturer for the wire and cable industry, includes the Sictra drawing division, and both companies have many years’ experience in the field of advanced technologies. With the integration of a further line of products which, starting from the copper or aluminium rod, arrive to the production of cables and to their laying-up and armouring, Cortinovis now offers a ‘one stop shop’.
Daloo Stand A27
Daloo, a member of the Gauder Group, is dedicated to the design and manufacture of low cost wire and cable machinery for the international market. The company was launched in China in 2008, in response to the growing demand for proven equipment at an affordable price.
❍ On display from Eder Engineering
The company will be displaying: • information for machines to work precision diamond-/PCD dies • information on equipment to work tungsten carbide dies • ultrahard precision wire drawing die-tools (with round and profiled bores) • die workshop ancillary equipment • diamond powders/pastes/suspen- sions/grinding pins Other products and specialities will be displayed in a multi-media show and the latest catalogues will be available. Eder Engineering GmbH – Austria Fax : +43 367 494 949 Email : office@eder-eng.com Website : www.eder-eng.com
❍ Cortinovis – a well known machine manufacturer globally
The customers of Cortinovis Machinery and the market in general, have appreciated the significance of this strategic decision so that Sictra has greatly expanded both the volume of product that the number of customers and the final markets. Cortinovis produces power cables (double twist, rigid stranding, central tube, drum twister, Conotorsion, Monobitorsion machines; lines for rewinding, tape armouring, screening), control cables (planetary machines for laying-up (back twist), Monotorsion/ conotorsion machines for laying- up/armouring/screening/laying-up machines SZ-ZS type for insulated
❍ Machinery from Daloo
Daloo offers complete lines for the production of power and communication cables, including rigid cage stranders, taping lines, rewinding lines, payoffs and take-ups, and pulling caterpillars. Daloo – China Fax : +86 519 8548 3557 Email : sales@daloo-machines.com Website : www.daloo-machines.com
Enkotec Stand F25
Enkotec, a supplier of machinery for the manufacture of mass-produced nails as well as customised solutions, will focus on its newest nail machine model, the MI01, intended for small and mid-size
87 wire Southeast Asia – BITEC, Bangkok 13 th -15 th September 2011
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