WCA September 2011
wire Southeast Asia 2011
At wire Southeast Asia, Caballe will show its new developments, high- lighting upgraded rigid stranders and drum twisters for HV energy cables (Milliken conductors, trapezoidal wires), a new range of double twist stranders to manufacture compacted conductors of Cu and Al up to 400mm 2 , a complete range of stranders and closers for steel ropes, and the latest improvements in existing stranders for all type of cables.
the cable industry with a wide array of stranding, twinning, bunching and cabling machinery. The firm is constantly developing new, high quality equipment to meet the ever-changing needs of the wire and cable industry.
• Galvasmooth ® : charcoals for hot dip galvanising • Condaclean: cleaners for all metal surfaces All lubricants meet the most recent environmental and health and safety legislations: • reduction of dust in workshops, • safest substances: REACH (Boron free), Biocides…
❍ Eco-friendly lubricants from Condat
CM Caballe SA – Spain Fax : +34 93 399 00 08 Email : caballe@cmcaballe.es Website : www.cmcaballe.es
❍ Double twist strander CDT-2000
The company’s portfolio includes equipment for: power cables (double twist stranders, rigid stranders, drum twisters, single twist stranders, bow skip stranders, tubular stranders, planetary stranders and SZ stranders); telecom and LAN cables (double twist pairing-quadding machines, single twist cabling lines, group twinners, drum twisters, shielding-jelly filling- sheathing lines and SZ stranders); steel ropes (double twist stranders, tubular stranders, planetary stranders, and bow skip stranders); and ancillary equipment such as payoffs, take-ups, capstans, caterpillars, taping machines and binders.
Condat Stand C25
Condat will present its latest developments in surface technologies for metal forming, and particularly for wire drawing and rolling operations: • Vicafil ® : range of surface coatings and lubricants for wire drawing • Steelskin ® : hi tech lubricant specialities for advanced drawing applications
85 wire Southeast Asia – BITEC, Bangkok 13 th -15 th September 2011
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