WCA September 2011
Technology news Technology news
❍ Covering it up! Part of Kabelschlepp’s closed cable carriers range
Keeping it clean!
functionality, the optical aspect plays a major role; for this purpose Kabelschlepp has developed designer tubes. Among them the Conduflex chain with a visually attractive appearance due to stainless steel brackets and frames made of fibreglass reinforced polyamide or the flexible metal spiral tube Mobiflex with a very dense construction, ideal for areas exposed to hot swarf. Cover variants are designed for easy installation and can be easily and quickly opened, unfastened, unscrewed or unclipped. Different stay systems tailored to the application are available in order to reliably keep the installed cables in position – which is also particularly important for installations where the cable carrier is installed on its side.
the portfolio offers the suitable solution for any need. there are also plastic covers which, depending on the application, are mounted on one or on both sides. Aluminium covers are particularly light and strong and therefore have a better long-term heat resistance. Steel chains are recommended for areas with extremely high mechanical loads, and maximum values of up to 600°C may be realised. In a stainless steel design chains may even be exposed to short-term peak temperatures of up to 1,000°C. In this instance, aluminium covers offer reliable protection without increasing the weight of the chain excessively. Steel band covers offer a lighter and above all more economical option. They are available up to a width of 1,000mm for all chain types. The enclosed cable carrier CoverTrax is one of the most recent additions to the tube series. Aside from performance and
WOOD or metal chips, other rough dirt particles, even flying sparks, may considerably affect cable carriers’ functionality in machines and installations. In a worst case scenario, this may even result in a total breakdown. Kabelschlepp supplies closed cable carrier chains and systems which considerably improve operational safety. In order to meet customers’ require- ments, the cable carrier specialist from Wenden, Germany, can rely on a great variety of materials in its portfolio. Whether designs made of plastic, steel, or hybrid variants (plastic chain bands with aluminium stays), or economic versatile standard types, robust, weight-optimised, extremely stable fast or quiet cable carriers for large unsupported lengths, with fixed chain widths, or chain widths accurate to the millimetre, with a large internal height or special design requirements –
Kabelschlepp – Germany Fax : +49 276 2400 3220 Email : info@kabelschlepp.de Website : www.kabelschlepp.de
Wire & Cable ASIA – September/October 2011
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