WCA September 2011
Europacable 研讨会“火灾安全”发表的 文章 ( 18 , 19 , 20 ) 建议:在 EN50399 测试中用 FTIR 技术来测量排出物是可行的,用这种 技术来调查烟雾排出物,并使用关键撤退 条件模拟的结果,来比较不同类型电缆的 使用。 根据 ISO TS13571 ,在测试期间确定一 个 FED 和 FEC 指标,能提供一个有用的测 量。 使用这种技术后,模拟研究结论表 明:对于有些建筑物,当考虑标准电 缆( PVC 护套)时,由于产生刺激性气体 ( HCL 、 acreolin 、甲醛)和烟雾(能见度降 低到 10 米以下),会达到关键条件。当考 虑低燃烧危害电缆时,在任何建筑物中均 不会达到关键条件。
FEC 最大 = 2.47 在 420 秒内 FEC = 0.3 在 7.5 秒内 FED 最大 = 0.23 在 1200 秒内 非 FED = 0.3
时间 (s)
❍ ❍ 图 5 : 在 EN50399 试验中,所产生的有毒气体图表
结论 通过达到客户对抗燃烧性能的要求,电缆工业继续提供具有 不同性能水平的各种产品,与用户需要一致,尤其是对应用 和安装条件的需要。 20 多年前建立的控制燃烧、控制烟雾排放以及控制最重要 的腐蚀和刺激性气体排放的原则在今天仍然有效,尽管其间 提炼和改进了方法。出现新的涉及热量释放、基于一体化测 试的要求一直是,也将继续是一个主要的挑战,尤其是在欧 洲。对于现有的自愿立场,新的有关电缆抗燃烧性能分类的 欧洲法规框架的影响将是一个重大变化。 CPD 名下电缆的欧洲分类以及抗燃烧性能的 CE 标志将如何影 响电缆市场,这难以预测。实施严格地讲是一个国家问题, 而且,有些国家不规定电缆抗燃烧性能,也没有在将来进行 管理的意愿,有些国家已表明意愿,要在法规中使用分类。 但是,在任何秃顶应用规定哪个欧洲等级又是一个国家问 题。在欧洲,电缆工业很可能将继续被要求提供许多不同水 平的性能,尽管现在我们可能看到用户们选择较高等级的电 缆,因为市场上有经济的电缆设计。比较 prEN50399 测试与 现有 IEC 测试的结果是困难的,因为测试所选择的条件不同以 及多重的分类标准途径。 CEMAC II 项目经验表明: prEN50399 结果一般更大地受电 缆尺寸的影响,电缆尺寸越小,测试越是繁重。较大电力电 缆的结果(导体尺寸大于 35mm 2 )一般预计来自 IEC60332-3- 24 ( C 类)测试结果,因为每个测试的安装是类似的,但较小电 缆则没有这种关系,主要因为每个测试的安装完全不同。 最近工作表明:在大规模燃烧测试中,实时测量排出物(例 如 prEN50399 )是可能的,而且这些结果能作为模型研究的 输入。但在可能发生标准化之前,显然还需要做进一步的工 作。
5 IEC Standard IEC 60332-3-10:2000 + A1:2008 Tests on electric cables under fire conditions – Part 3-10: Test for vertical flame spread of vertically mounted bunched wires or cables – Apparatus 6 IEC Standard IEC 60754-1:1994 Test on gases evolved during combustion of materials from cables – Part 1: Determination of the amount of halogen acid gas 7 IEC Standard IEC 60754-2:1997 Test on gases evolved during combustion of electric cables – Part 2: Determination of degree of acidity of gases evolved during the combustion of materials taken from electric cables by measuring pH and conductivity 8 IEC Standard IEC 61034-2:2005 Measurement of smoke density of cables burning under defined conditions – Part 2: Test procedure and requirements 9 Gibbons, J, Stevens, G, “Limiting the corrosion hazard from electrical cables involved in fires” Fire Safety Journal 15 p183-190, 1989 10 Telecom Australia, Design standards Branch, HQ Fire loss report, 1987 11 Stevens, G, “The appraisal and significance of acidic gas emissions from burning electric cable materials,” 5 th BEAMA International Electrical Insulation Conference, Brighton 1986 12 Journeaux, T, “The development and manufacture of Sizewell B cables,” Proceedings IEE International Conference on control aspects of the Sizewell B PWR, p74-79 London 1992 13 Hull, T, Stec, A, Paul, K, “Hydrogen Chloride in Fires,” IAFSS 9 th International symposium, Karlsruhe 2008 14 Hertzberg, T, Blomqvist, P, Lastbom, L, “Influence of HCl and PVC-smoke on isolated and perfused guinea pig lungs,” SP Fire Technology Report 57, 2006 15 Journeaux, T, “Development in regulatory classifi- cation methods that will affect the European cable industry and its suppliers,” Flame Retardants 2008, Interscience Communications Ltd, London 16 Draft prEN 50399 Common test methods for cables under fire conditions – Heat release and smoke production measurement on cables during flame spread test – Test apparatus, procedures, results, CLC TC20/Sec1577/INF June 2008 17 European Commission, Mandate to CEN and CENELEC concerning the execution of standardisation work for harmonised standards on power, control and communication cables M/443, Brussels, 18 th May 2009 18 Johansson, P, Blomquist, P, Sundstrom, B, “Feasibility study of supplementary FTIR measurements in tests with electric cables according to Commission Decision 2006/751/EC, FIPEC20Scen1 (prEN50399),” Safety during fire, Europacable, Brussels 2009 19 Messa, S, “Investigation into the smoke effluents of burning cables,” Safety during fire, Europacable, Brussels 2009 20 Van Hees, P, Nilsson, D, “Simulation of critical evacuation conditions for fire scenario involving cables and comparison of different cables,” Safety during fire, Europacable, Brussels 2009
电缆工业通过其持续可见的投资于研究的能力,能满足任何 新法规或最终用户对其产品抗燃烧性能需求的挑战。
1 Zanelli, C, Philbrick, S, Beretta, G, “Cavi e pericolo di incendio” Cired, London 1973 2 Philbrick, S, McConnell, J, “Cables having improved fire performance” Jicable 84, Versailles 1984 3 Journeaux, T, Beratta, G, Gautier, P, “Development of cables with improved fire performance characteristics” Jicable 87, Versailles 1987 4 Journeaux, T, “The development of new standards for offshore cabling” PRI Conference Polymers for Offshore Cabling Proceedings, London 1987
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